DSPTCH Account Deletion

This guide will walk you through the process of deleting your DSPTCH account.

Please note this action is irreversible.

Deleting your account will preclude future logins (unless a new account is created with associated credentials) and will eliminate user-uploaded reasonably removable information.

To delete your account, follow the instructions below or email help@dsptch.work with a verified account identity email requesting your account be deleted. To prevent unverified or bad-actor deletion requests, we may require additional verification steps related ownership of the primary account identifier.

Open DSPTCH Mobile App & Navigate to Profile

Download DSPTCH at https://dsptch.app.link

Scroll down and Click Account Wizard

Choose Delete Account & Confirm by clicking the Delete button

Account Delete Information

Scopes of information related to compliance, payroll, accounting, safety, regulatory, taxes, insurance, benchmarking, analytics, historic reporting, invoicing, licensing, ongoing investigations, audit logs, debugging, support requests, court orders, financial transactions, documentation collected in the scope of performing work, data collected in the context of work performed for clients, references or links to employer and external systems, employment meta information, client requirements, audit logs, and continued functionality may be retained. Additionally, data within the scopes of usage reports, compute costs, access and request logs, regulatory and compliance, contractual requirements, applicable laws, customer requirements, and litigation holds may be retained directly or in the form of benchmarks, analytics, historic aggregate reporting, derived metrics, relative calculations, and calculated artifacts. Of course, data held in systems external to DSPTCH (ie employer identity systems) are precluded from deletion.